Most Important.......

.........The Ending

 "'I know I can do it,' Todd Downey said, helping himself to another ear of corn from the steaming bowl. 'I'm sure that, in time, her death will be a mystery even to me.' "

Watch Secret Window (2004) starring Johnny Depp adopted from Stephen King's 'Secret Window, Secret Garden',  and after that what's the least you can do.......??

© Psychological Horror (Not The Work By Shivendu)
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  1. I enjoy reading write-up. Hope i can discover a lot more articles like this one. Thanks for posting.

  2. woot, thankyou! I finally came to a site where the webmaster knows what they're talking about. Do you know how many results are in Google when I search.. too many! It's so annoying having to go from page after page after page, wasting my day away with thousands of people just copying eachother's articles… bah. Anyway, thankyou very much for the info anyway, much appreciated.


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