SHEVORK Limited Status: Launched

Hello everyone....the title says it first production company that manages all my talent and work is SHEVORK.
SHEVORK: Logo Possibility
It was suggested to me 2 months ago by my cousin brother Shubhendu Shukla. You can find him on facbook in my friend list....Thank You BRO!!! SHEVORK is a multipurpose registered company which does its work in the field of movies, sound production, art, animation, VFX and the list goes on and on....Its YouTube channel has been launched. It was created by me yesterday. Its blog and original website will be coming soon. You can find the link to its YouTube channel right at the en d of this post...There is not much in the YouTube channel as it was launched yesterday. But believe me, entertainment stuff ill be coming soon. This was the latest status from SHEVORK Limited. The most important thing. Do you know how the name SHEVORK is derived......???
Its simple....
It is SHIV+WORK=SHEVORK! (Shiv's my nick name)
So now i have multiple tasks to do people.....Very Busy!!.... BYE !

We will work with the VASTU later on.....

© Shevork (Work By Shivendu)
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