NTSE Incoming......Buckle Up!

Exam's in November!

Near about ONE MONTH! left for NTSE and my preparations are on the go. NTSE stands for National Talent Search Examination. My exams were just over that this good news struck my mind...

The exams, no matter how much I practice, do not go that great. But let's go with my dad's advise that practice hard and hard and harder! and you will achieve IT! Next I will be more careful about not committing silly mistakes!

Now let's go back to NTSE. Hardik Chandel, the genius and a reason for laugh riot has already created fear in the hearts of many including ME! Whenever his marks are announced he says with a relief "Oye Ankur! (refers to Ankur Patel, one of my friend) I am pass yaar!" as if he was going to fail. But leave it he is good in some matters and we are in another.As we know every one has his/her own qualities. I have some but there is no intelligence in showing off! So Hardik Best Of Luck! and to OTHER GUYS, BESTEST OF LUCK! 

I have started preparing for it and it was going great until i came across the term SAT (Social Aptitude Test) containing the questions from Science, SST, Maths Problems, etc. They made my mind go round and round....The reason for that is if the questions were from Xth class Books, it was okay! but how can NTSE spare us with only MAT (Mental Aptitude Test). It has given us questions from VIIIth to XIth class BOOKS! Oh Man!

So God and Elders give me your kind blessings and advises (in comments) so that I can reach greater hights and accomplish my dream.

© Shevork (Work By Shivendu)
Pleas giv your feedback at: shivendushukla@gmail.com


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