Yuppie! The Exams Are Over

Yuppie! Exams are over now. Today I am very happy, Of course I would be because it is not easy to give nine exams. And they lasted for sixteen days, You are shocked! right!. You are thinking that the exams were nine, but how it lasted for sixteen days? Because there was one day exam and one day holiday. Now you have understood, right!.
My first exam was of English, it was very difficult, but I did every question. Second exam was of Science, it was difficult but not too much. Third exam was of Hindi, it was very easy. Fourth exam was of Computer. In Computer I get full marks every time. Fifth exam was of Maths, it was very very very very very very very very very very difficult. Sixth exam was of Sanskrit, it was also very easy. Seventh exam was of SST, the dangerous exam. I prepared very hard for it. I started to study SST at 10:00 a.m and finished at 12:00 midnight, and at the exam I did each and every question. Then it was the exam of G.K + Msc means General Knowledge and Moral Science together. But it was very very very very very very very very easy. The ninth and the last exam was of Environmental Education. It was easy. And there are A or A+ grades on my Report Card. And please wish me best of luck for my Future.


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