AI Art, problems with love. insecurities and a resting positive outlook (the blue sky)!

 AI art arrived as what seemed like a boom in conceptualization and creation of new material. Turns out, it is a regeneration of what has already been made. Whenever you make AI art, it will almost never feel real (somewhere deep, you are aware that it is made out of what has already been made). 

"Nakal ke liye bhi akal chahiye hoti hai, AI ne akal ki sabse badi dukaan kholi hai." 

Tried my hands on it, it actually helped me conceptualize a lot of concepts that I had. It might even help me to pitch some of those concepts on my trip to Mumbai sometime soon. Just want to create something original. It requires robotic writing, as if you're explaining a child what to look for. A child that is growing.

Making movies is going to be different in the future. I am just trying to prepare myself with the technological advancements that might hit us in the next couple of years. I have a feeling they will be very sudden. Market shift has been great. People are going back to cinemas. Some OTT platforms are turning back to rental models. Would love to see Netflix Studios' films in theaters. They make good films, that is something I can whole heartedly agree with. They give passionate filmmakers opportunity to shine. I just hope they also give them some cookies from the jar

Moving on to love. Have had some problems dealing with it lately. Loving someone is easy. Dealing with what comes after might be troublesome but it is not something a human mind cannot handle. It is somewhat of a mixed bag. Can take you really down depending on the emotional quotient of people involved. It takes you very down, makes you very stressful but also makes you grateful to have experienced it to its full potential with practicality in its backbone. Going good so far. Would want it to go on. Have a vision for it. 

Insecurities seldom bite, in love as well as professional environment. People come at you. Gang up, but a positive outlook or a positive retreat is never really far. Removing self from situation works best. Taking time off to deal with those negative thoughts and the downers silently is usually the best approach as the damage is contained. Words hurt, silence at least keeps things as they are. Words might fuel something that might not have been there in the first place. They usually come to attack your mind when backed by a certain feeling. Thinking beyond the present helps.

Black clouds come and black clouds go, what remains is the blue sky. 
                                                        inspired by Headspace (Andy)


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