GOI - A different path?

In my many attempts to make a film that can impress the masses, I can say collectively I have failed. Yes I know downsizing my own capabilities is not something I should do. Something interesting happened a few months ago. I was left with a choice. The path was divided into two.


Choice number 1: Go to Mumbai and start my journey as an Assistant Director and slowly move up.


Choice number 2: Join the Ministry of Culture as a consultant for NCSM and work at IGNCA. 

I was in touch with an influential personality. His love for everything Indian can spark joy anywhere. The level of energy he brings into the room is unparalleled. I was talking to him about a lot of opportunities and we really passed the vibe check, I suppose. He is a man of extreme will, keeps a visionary approach and wants to see a better and stronger India. He does not care about receiving credit as long as work keeps being done. And the work NEEDS TO BE GOOD. Quality over quantity but also quantity with quality. 

I saw myself heading in both directions. Both choices. The first one would have taken me to a city that has its perks but I knew the kind of life I would have lead there because I already have. It gets depressing and your eating habits change. I've seen a glimpse of the industry and almost everyone there drinks and smokes in a routine fashion. There's a person inside me, who'd still want to enjoy all of that because the people doing it are in fact enjoying every bit of their life. They don't regret their decisions in Mumbai. They are having fun. I want to have fun. But does fun want to have me? Haha what?

Okay, tracking back to Hyderabad (the film school days). Smoking and drinking was on an all time high. I don't smoke anymore and drinking, I enjoy but only with good company and I'd like to say occasionally. 

Here in Delhi, none of that will happen. I am sure about it because my family (even though we don't agree on everything) has a very positive backbone. We support each other that way and positivity finds a way. I don't feel like giving in when I am with them. And the longer I wait, the stronger my will power gets.

So I chose the second option with some hesitation, because what about filmmaking? Okay.. good question to ask myself.

This is how I see it. The government wants to make a film city in Uttar Pradesh. We can have a film city in Uttar Pradesh. No biggie. But we set some ground rules. We ban smoking. We ban drinking. Whoa whoa what. Yes. We do. On set. After shooting, one can do whatever they like, just like any other job. But what about an artist's freedom? There can be endless debates but if a film city built on a strong foundation will be respected for it. And we take it from there. We create international cinema inspired from Indian culture, increase the number of screens in our country, increase the cash flow, have original stories come in, try to stop our own people from backlashing on each other. Create a systematic means of producing good quality cinema that will be remembered for ages.

So yeah haha, that is how I see it. I am making contacts here and I am trying to get people to trust me. Building trust. That's important. Because that is how you get work and that is how you can efficiently give work to people.

Also falling in love with my country more and more each day. Also falling in love with a person.


Photo Credits

Mumbai by ikshit Patel on Unsplash
CP, Delhi by Rehan Fazal on Unsplash 


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