Maintain Habits

It is very important to form good habits in childhood itself. As we grow older, it becomes difficult to change our habits.
There was a man who wanted to inculcate good habits in his three sons. He also told them to keep away from bad habits as they spoil not only the mind but also a soul of a person.
As the sons grew a little older, they began to acquire bad habits. They found it much easier to follow the wrong path than the path of truth. They started gambling to earn money quickly and easily.
The fathers heart deeply grieved for them. He wanted them to learn good habits. One day the father called his sons. He said one of the sons to pluck a sapling from the garden. He easily plucked it smiling. The he called his next son to pull out a shrub from garden. A huge crowd was gathered there. It was difficult to pull but he wa successful in doing so. At last hie called his last son and showed him a tree and said to pull out the tree from its roots. He glanced at his father. His father explained that when you are together it is difficult to ditach you all. As you become weaker the easier it becomes to ditach you from each other. So follow good habits.

This was from my moral science book but I wrote it in my own words.

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