GOI - A different path?

In my many attempts to make a film that can impress the masses, I can say collectively I have failed. Yes I know downsizing my own capabilities is not something I should do. Something interesting happened a few months ago. I was left with a choice. The path was divided into two. MUMBAI Choice number 1: Go to Mumbai and start my journey as an Assistant Director and slowly move up. DELHI Choice number 2: Join the Ministry of Culture as a consultant for NCSM and work at IGNCA. I was in touch with an influential personality. His love for everything Indian can spark joy anywhere. The level of energy he brings into the room is unparalleled. I was talking to him about a lot of opportunities and we really passed the vibe check, I suppose. He is a man of extreme will, keeps a visionary approach and wants to see a better and stronger India. He does not care about receiving credit as long as work keeps being done. And the work NEEDS TO BE GOOD. Quality over quantity but also quantity with qu...