The Passion Never Dies...

(Dramatic Music playing) Just like that. Once you know it, there is a batter inside of you; your heart. It tells you that exact moment, about what you have to prosper in life. What is good, what is bad. And most importantly... Your true paroxysm. I realised the same when I was a boy of age 13. It was about time I passed my 6th class and started thinking way beyond the human intellect. Actually, The Bollywood Intellect. Ohh Yeah! The moment was here. I made up a flip animation which I came up with, a few days ago. I didn't see it from anywhere. A pigeon flying and recorded. On a piece of paper. Two actually. Daddy saw the very same and discerned that his boy had uniqueness inside of him. So, now I had freedom of becoming whosoever I wanted to become. It's not like anybody could stop me earlier. But yeah, the virtual stamp was there BIATCH! Trust me when I utter these words out. "It's never too late" Never. Ever. You just have to ask your inner souls. ...