Social Status Complicated!

So many Pages, So many accounts and too much of Facebook! AARRGHHH!!! So i recently created a new page on Facebook named Shevork. Before that I made a blog with the same account, before that a twitter account. Before that an email id. And before that I created the social status of a man who created this mess(Not Mess, Just Messed Up!). His name is Shivendu Shukla. I created his email id, his Facebook account, his blogger id, his twitter account, his YouTube Account and much more! Did I tell You Shevork also has a YouTube Channel. So now whenever I check my Social Status On Social Sites, it takes me about half an hour to just have a look at them! WHOA I also have to check for feedback and responses on a form that i created in Google Drive! And Yes, How can we forget the name of the new beast in town... Google +. Well I am going to really frank while talking about this site. I don't want to be on this site but YouTube is insisting me. No! I am not p...