It is going to happen.

When you tell yourself that, there is peace in it. I want to make a film. I will make a film. I have started working on making a film. The storyboard for what can be a feature film in the future has kickstarted. The work is slow because everyone involved has other things to do but the train has left the station. And it will reach its destination. Should I make a documentary first? Should I try my hands on a low budget film first? Yes, why not. I have access to a 4K digital camera now. Feeling good about starting work on a feature film that is very close to my heart. I guess this is how it is now? Working on multiple things at the same time, hoping the dots will connect somewhere in the future. Also having interesting conversations about money and breaking stereotypes about how it should not be considered the only thing you should work for. At the same time, not leaving out its importance in the matter. For the first time and at the age of 25, I will have people who will directly report...