Shimmer of Hope - Ranjit Sinha (May 31, 1960 - July 31, 2019)

Ranjit Sir It was a gloomy afternoon and when I say gloomy, I mean I was sad. Really sad. Seeing his face would always bring a smile to my face. I would greet him, he'd greet me back and then we went behind the Police Station (a carefully designed movie-set in the premises of my college from where I did my graduation). He used to smoke a lot of cigarettes and was told by people that it was a bad habit. I remember reading it in a comment on Facebook. When I used to ask him about his cigarettes, he used to tell me that he knows what he is smoking and the quality of the product and he even told me why they are so cheap. Knowledge was his weapon. Photographers in the college treated him like a knight in shining armour who will solve all their problems. Guess what, he did. His words were enough. Getting back to that evening... There I was sitting on this elevated cemented structure, a narrow line near a public toilet that was used by industry professionals. I once whined about ...